Long Range Identification Test (LRIT)
The Long Range Identification and Monitoring System (LRIT) is a system of satellite positioning and remote marine tracking via satellite, this system is formally incorporated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 2008 by Resolution MSC.202 (81) contained in chapter 5 of the International Convention on Safety at Sea (SOLAS).
This system transmits automatically without the need for human interaction, in intervals of every six hours the following information: Ship Identification; Position (Expressed in Latitude and Longitude); Date and Time (Expressed in UTC - Coordinated Universal Time), it is worth noting that the system also allows you to perform a position query at any time. In compliance with the requirements of the IMO (International Maritime Organization);
The vessels that carry out international routes that must be equipped with this system are:
All passenger ships, including high-speed vessels;
Merchant ships, including high-speed vessels, with a tonnage greater than 300 tons;
Mobile stations of sea drilling.
The LRIT test process consists of a survey of the satellite station and verification of the information sent to comply with the requirements of the IMO. An inspection of the computer is made and the day starts at any convenient time. The entire procedure of the test takes up to 48 hours, during which it is necessary to make sure that the terminal is properly registered, that the terminal is connected to the stable power source (battery is preferable to avoid discontinuities to the power supply) and that there is no potential interference for communications.
Here are some considerations for us to perform a successful LRIT test:
The terminal must have activated at least 48 hours in the Inmarsat network;
If the ship is next to a port, there is a higher probability of failing the test due to the interference given the high concentration of radio waves and the presence of structures (obstructions), it is very important that the ship is not in the port or in the bay because this will affect the signal.
We strongly recommend that the vessel is sailing or in an open anchorage; Make sure the Inmarsat C stays on and works perfectly.
Notify the on-board master that a DNID will be temporarily unloaded on the transceiver for testing and that this should be ignored and not deleted;
Please note that the use of Inmarsat C to send messages / send telex may interfere with the test.
Do not use equipment for multiple tasks while the test is running.
We do LRIT tests for most flags of countries including Panama. By having a successful test you will obtain your LRIT Conformance Certification. To start the process of testing the vessel it is necessary to send us the completed registration form, you can request it by sending us an email to the address: Info@shippingradio.com